Cookout Friday 2/28

by on Feb.25, 2014, under Events, Meetings

Free Food Friday!

We will be firing up the grill around 6:30 or so. Come check out our space and meet up with local makers.

Where: MidsouthMakers
When: Friday Feb 28th 7pm-???
What: Food! Hamburgers & Hotdogs, BYOB
How Much: FREE (Donations accepted)


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Recycling and Facilities Logistics update

by on Feb.17, 2014, under Business

As of 2/16/2014 Midsouth Makers has halted all recycling efforts except for aluminum cans. The effort required to haul and receive payout, and lack of room was the deciding factor. Please place aluminum cans neatly in the red tape area of the shop. Please do not crush cans. They are easier to handle at the recycler when they have not been crushed


Even though we have ceased recycling, we are still taking donations. If a member is donating/bringing in a donations, it is his/her responsibility to break down and put away donations. If unsure about the intrinsic value or where to put an item, place it in the red tape area in the shop.

Salvage Parts and Items:

If you have walked into the space recently, you will find we have bins. Lots and lots of bins now! Please keep these organized. There are some spare bins, if we need more categories. Just make sure to label the bin!

This is a work in progress and there are plans on expanding expanding the bin storage and creating custom drawer shelving unit to house the bins.

Shop Tables:

Just a friendly reminder that all items on the work bench near the door should only be there for 1 week max. I myself am guilty of this. If you have some projects that have been lingering there for a while, please complete or pick them up. If you leave a project on this bench, please make note of your name and the date last worked on. Abandoned projects will be filed away in the trash bin. This is a necessary evil to create room for newer projects being fabricated in the space.

Pegboard/Tool Chest:

The space has gained another 4×8 foot section of pegboard. The pegboard and tool chest is for storing tools and tool consumables (blades, sandpaper, ie) only.

Gray Hanging Wall Bins:

These are for fasteners and tiny loose hardware items that don’t need a large bin. These are a current work in progress. If a bin is needed for fasteners or tiny hardware items, please label the bin with the label maker.

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Happy Birthday Cookout at MidsouthMakers

by on Jan.10, 2014, under Events, Meetings

This Wednesday is MidsouthMaker’s birthday. We’ve come a long way since 2010 and we’re going to celebrate this FRIDAY by cooking out hamburgers & hot dogs at the space. We’ll fire up the grill around 6:30ish. BYOB/Sides/Desserts.
Where: The Space

When: Friday Jan 10th 7ish

Who: YOU!

How Much: FREE! (Donations always welcome)

Why: Why not!?

Please RSVP here so we know how much food to prepare

We will be meeting at our space in Bartlett (2804 Bartlett Rd, Suite 2 Memphis, TN 38134 Our Building is behind the building facing the street).

Our open house meetings are quite laid back and for members and non-members to come check out what we have going on at the space or to just come tour our space

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HACKmemphis HACKday December 14th

by on Nov.20, 2013, under Events, Projects

December 14th we’ll be hosting a HACKmemphis HACKday at the space from 10am to 7pm. Vaco is going to be sponsoring lunch for the day and MidsouthMakers/HACKmemphis will make sure there are pleny of drinks & snacks throughout the day.

If you’re interested in attending please register here:

A HACKday sponsored by HACKmemphis. Bring your projects, form groups and make tech happen. Don’t have a project? No worries! Come join a project with other local developers. We will have plenty of tools on hand for nearly any kind of project (From small electronics to woodworking and crafts). We’re open to Software, Hardware, ANY kind of developer / maker / hacker.

As always, designers are encouraged to join this event. Help a team build an awesome UI or just come work on that project you never seem to have time to finish.

All the things you loved about HACKmemphis 2013, but in one day and with slightly fewer danishes.

Lunch will be provided (Sponsored by Vaco!) as well as snacks and drinks (Sponsored by MidsouthMakers) through the day.

Space is limited. Please do not register if you are not sure you will be able to make it. We anticipate selling out and having to use a waiting list. If you register a ticket and find out you will not be able to attend, please cancel your order or contact us so we can free up the ticket for someone else.

Note: Because MidsouthMakers‘ space is a place where tools and machinery are in use, their insurance requires all attendees fill out a waiver. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us prior to registering.

 Thanks to Vaco for sponsoring lunch!

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Halloween Maker Projetct – Lego Minifig Mk. 2

by on Oct.31, 2013, under Arduino Projects, Crafts, Electronics


This is my LEGO Minifig Head Mk. 2

The original head was starting to get beat up pretty good, so I built a new one. As they are made out of solid Styrofoam, they get pretty warm, so I have a fan system to keep me cool. In the previous version, the fans were activated by a switch in my left LEGO hand and run by a battery pack in my pants pocket. While this worked, it was a chore to get in and out of, and I would usually require assistance getting the wires run and connected.

When I started building Mk. 2, I decided to try to eliminate that issue. I have taken an Arduino Uno and an Arduino Mega 2560 and connected them via two Nordic NRF24L01+ boards. The Uno has 3 switches and is run by a 9V battery. I am currently only using one, the other two are for future plans. When the pin connected to the fan switch goes high, it sends a code (the number 11 in this case) wirelessly to the receiving unit on the Mega. When the Mega receives that code, it closes a relay and starts the fans.

I used Maniacbug’s RF24 Library available on Github – I found the examples included with the library kind of hard to understand (I’m not a programmer), but I found this example – – and I got my project up and running.

The sketches I used (note, I had a lot of serial.print statements for debugging and I’ve commented most of those out):

For the sending unit:

#include <SPI.h>
#include “nRF24L01.h”
#include “RF24.h”
int msg[1];
RF24 radio(9,10); //define the CE and CSN Pins
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL; //Send and receiving units addresses must match
int SW1 = 5;

void setup(void){
radio.begin(); // set up the radio
radio.openWritingPipe(pipe);} // Open the radio for sending

void loop(void){
if (digitalRead(SW1) == HIGH){
msg[0] = 11; // Code that is sent to the receiving unit
radio.write(msg, 1); // send code if Pin defined above is HIGH
//  Serial.println(“Switch high”);}}

And for the receiving unit:

#include <SPI.h>
#include “nRF24L01.h”
#include “RF24.h”
int msg[1];
RF24 radio(48,53); //define the CE and CSN Pins
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL; //Send and receiving units addresses must match
int relay = 7;

void setup(void){
radio.startListening(); // Open radio in receive mode and start listening
pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);} // Set relay pin to OUTPUT

void loop(void){
if (radio.available()){
// Serial.println(“Radio Available”);
bool done = false;
while (!done){
done =, 1); // poll Radio
// Serial.println(msg[0]);
if (msg[0] == 11){ // if Radio receives ’11’ from sending unit, set relay pin high
digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);
// Serial.println(“Pin 22 High”);
else {
digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
// Serial.println(“Pin 22 Low”);
else{Serial.println(“No radio available”);}}

Here’s a short video of the system working:

The next plan is to wire a couple of other gadgets to the Mega and I have a relay board I will be using to control them.

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2804 Bartlett Rd
Suite 3
Memphis, TN 38134